Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cabin Fever...

If you're like me, Cabin Fever can set in during the winter months. It's either too cold to go out and/or you don't feel like piling on all the layers of clothing. Well, do I have the solution for you! This is the time of year that you can stay in & tackle that project that you've been delaying/putting off. For instance, you have a stack of paper hanging out that you need to go through. Set the timer for 30 minutes and go through the stack. Make 3 piles: (1)Action (2) Recycle and/or Shred (3) File. Do yourself a favor and take another 30 minutes to tackle 1 of the 3 piles you just made. Let's say you choose #2. Bring the shredder into a comfortable area and shred to your hearts content. You will be able to see immediate results in an hours time. I also recommend that you take a photo of your "project" before you begin. For us "visual" people, actually seeing the stack removed from it's starting place spells SUCCESS! I will be rooting right along with you as you tackle these winter projects. You CAN do it!

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