Friday, June 17, 2011


So, it's a lazy Friday afternoon and I was trying to figure out what I wanted to blog I came up with an acroymn for you!

O is for choosing ONE item to tackle
R is for being REAL about the time it will take. Set a timer and/or figure 2 hrs to start.
G is for GROUP like tasks. If you're filing a stack of papers, make piles for related items (e.g. con edison bill, AMEX bill, etc)
A is for ASSESS along the way. If something isn't working, try a new way of tackling the task.
N is for NEVER quit. Find a way to motivate yourself to keep going!
I is for INCLUDE a reward. Just like a child, we adults like surprises too!
Z is for you can't get any Zzzzz's until you finish your task.
E is for feeling EMPOWERED!

Let me know if you come up with any others! Have a nice weekend!

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