Friday, May 27, 2011

Clearing out the "mental cobwebs"

After IM'ing a friend today on Facebook, I had one of Oprah's "Ah Ha Moments". Sometimes our biggest stumbling block to getting organized is our thoughts. Can I get organized? Will I stick to it? I'll never get this task done! And so on & so forth. What I am proposing today is to take time for yourself to clear out those "mental cobwebs" that prevent you from tackling projects, etc. Some suggestions include taking a walk on a sunny day, spending time with friends, journaling, getting a manicure, listening to some good music, exploring a new restaurant. We must first take care of ourselves on an emotional level & then be kind & gentle to ourselves as we make progress. The first step is to set a goal. The second is to develop smaller steps to keep on track & keep motivated. Third, begin the first task and reward yourself after you complete it. And fourth, set a plan to start the next task. With anything in life, it is important to stay motivated, encouraged and heading in the direction of your (organizational) dreams. Remember, YOU can DO it!

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